It is a privilege to write for people you know. Many playwrights have had this opportunity - to write knowing the cadences of a particular performer’s speech, their sense of humor, their vulnerabilities. This has been the joy of writing Strong Waters for a gifted cast who were looking, at an advanced stage in their careers, for a worthy project. Last weekend they opened the show as an Equity Members Project, and I couldn’t be prouder of their work.

“What Do You Mean You Haven’t Seen - ?”
Claire Zaslove Claire Zaslove

“What Do You Mean You Haven’t Seen - ?”

Our family loved our weekly excursions to Video Isle, or “the tape store” as we called it, especially on two-for-one Tuesdays. We would set up our viewing for the week, and much time was spent scanning the shelves and consulting the staff’s expertise, before returning home with multiple DVD’s. The book became an adventure, and every single film was vetted by the important audience: the kids.

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Claire Zaslove Claire Zaslove


One of the things that I missed during Covid lockdown was conversation. The kind you have after a show, because you still have an adrenaline buzz going, and aren’t ready to sleep. The kind you have over a drink at the end of a rehearsal day, because the camaraderie from the room still lingers, and you need a transition before heading home.

So I plan to start a number of conversations in this space.

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