
Hello, and welcome to my little corner of the web. One of the things that I missed during Covid lockdown was conversation. The kind you have after a show, because you still have an adrenaline buzz going, and aren’t ready to sleep. The kind you have over a drink at the end of a rehearsal day, because the camaraderie from the room still lingers, and you need a transition before heading home.

So I plan to start a number of conversations in this space. They’re likely to be one-sided, unless you respond in the Comments section.

But theatre changed during the pandemic, and continues to change as we crawl out of our foxholes, and there is a lot to talk about. (By the way, I grew up in Canada, so it has never felt natural to me to spell “theatre” any other way – hope my American friends won’t find it pretentious.)

From time to time I may write a post about classic movies – scratching a lingering itch. My husband is an old movie buff, and if you have one of those in your life you have probably learned the best thing to do is find another old movie buff, and lock them in a room together, away from civilized company. They can while away their time one-upping each other with their knowledge of obscure actors who gave incredible performances in forgotten films (“so good, so good”). From time to time, you can crack the door and hand in a tray of something and a bottle. That will keep them fueled for hours.

That is not the itch I need to scratch, I promise. But we do have some standards in our household about movies one really ought to know about. And also standards about how long a blog post should be (3-6 paragraphs). So more about the movies next time.


“What Do You Mean You Haven’t Seen - ?”